Your profile accompanies you with customized studies

Find out exactly what's being invested in your sector, market trends, strategies that work with your target audience and much more with our customized studies.

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Sector investments, market trends, audience strategies: Custom studies reveal.

Ask us for 100% customized market study

Discover our customized study offer, specially designed for TV advertising agencies and advertisers wishing to deepen their knowledge of TV advertising investments in a given sector. With this study, you'll gain invaluable insights to help you master your market and make informed decisions to optimize your media plan.

Our holistic approach, based on over 8 years of TV analysis, enables you to identify and evaluate the key factors influencing sales and advertising performance in a chosen sector. As a result, you'll be able to allocate your media budget optimally and achieve your sales targets.

The advantages of our custom studies:

â–¶ Customizable to your needs

â–¶ Fast, less than a month between your request and return

â–¶ Broad categorization with over 25 sectors

Customize 100% of your study

Our studies are tailored to your needs. Here are our analysis KPIs:

• Direct visits/GRP, direct CPV

• Direct + indirect impact (persistence) :

• Total visits/GRP, total CPV

• Visits/spot

Master your sector's strategies

Format, channels, day-part, programs,... analyze your competitors' TV campaign strategies and position yourself as a TV leader thanks to our recommendations.

Compare your strategy with those of your competitors

Our studies provide you with valuable information, enabling you to measure yourself against the players in your sector and adapt your media plan accordingly

Customized studies

You're just one click away from accessing the demo request form and discovering our customized studies with one of our experts!