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TV & Radio ads: are there synergies between these two media?

Did you know that? On average, the CPV of a Radio + TV campaign is 33% lower than a Radio activation alone. Discover the impact of a simultaneous TV + Radio communication compared to TV or Radio activation alone.

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TV & Radio ads: are there synergies between these two media?

TV or Radio campaign alone? Combine the two?

Many brands ask themselves this question before launching an offline advertising campaign. For lack of data to make informed decisions, the answer has long been left open. has decided to provide answers based on data to enable brands to adopt the right strategy according to their challenges, with an ever more ROI-oriented vision. The study is based on the performance and responsiveness of the audience of a dozen of advertisers who communicated both simultaneously and separately on these two media in 2019, 2020 or 2021. It also offers a vision by type of channel chosen by the brands.

Use case 1: TV only vs TV + Radio performances

The TV media seems to stand on its own

Use case 2: Radio only vs Radio + TV results

Radio + TV combination: performance on target

To go further: study on "Visual Transfer"
by Harris & M6

The benefit of similar TV and radio advertising creative

TV & Radio ads: are there synergies between these two media?

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